Uncooked Quinoa
I first ate Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) at a vegetarian restaurant in Berkeley, California. It was served as a substitute for rice. I liked it and have used it several times since.
Quinoa was one of the staple food of the Incas and even to this day it is an essential food to the people on the mountains of Ecuador, Peru and Chile. It is referred to as the mother grain
as it has an essential amino acid balance close to the ideal, very similar to milk.
It is described as a nutritional powerhouse. It has essential amino acids, making it a complete protein & it is higher in protein than any other grain. This food is very low in cholesterol and sodium. It is also a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese.
Quinoa may be cooked in several ways, as a savory dish for a main course, in soups, as a breakfast cereal and in salads. You will find several recipes on this site for Quinoa beginning with a basic recipe. Please also check Interesting Information about Quinoa
Cooked Quinoa Served with Curries
Once you have cooked this basic form of Quinoa, you may serve it the way you would serve rice or combine it with a salad or a dessert. Experiment with it and come up with your way to make it or simply use the recipes on this site and then venture on your own.
For other recipes on Quinoa, check
Mary's Quinoa Recipes
Cauliflower & Quinoa Soup
If you have any questions or would like to add a recipe of your own, email me, Nirmala, at
I will be happy to
help with inquiries. The site will be regularly updated with tasty recipes, hints and tips.
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