Quality Living Styles - Clever Foods

Foods Prepared in Quick & Clever ways

to enhance Health

Clever Foods

This segment is called Clever Foods because the ingredients are cooked with minimal oil & usually cooked quickly, so that the goodness of the vegetables are mostly intact. Also, these are foods that provide essential nutrients to our bodies. You can easily access the recipes in this segment by clicking on the links above. You can also easily find all the recipes on this website by using the links for, all recipes on this website.

Many of us love fried foods as it often enhances the rest of the meal or makes for tasty snacks. However deep fried foods are not good for our health and our waistlines. I have experimented with a different way to “fry” a few of my favorites, like potato fries, eggplants & others. I am quite happy with the results.

I use the microwave and grill to achieve the taste of fried food, with a small amount of oil. Do click on the links to try the faux fried foods.

Thus far I have only experimented with vegetarian food. If anyone has recipes for non-vegetarian foods using minimal oil, do let me know.

If you have any questions or would like to add a recipe of your own, email me, Nirmala, at email address
I will be happy to help with inquiries. The site will be regularly updated with tasty recipes, hints and tips. You will find my contact information at Contact

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